Cluich is Ionnsaich

Fàilte dhan raon Cluich is Ionnsaich.

Faigh a-mach mun Ghàidhealtachd gu h-eachdraidheil tro gheamannan agus gnìomhan ionnsachaidh spòrsail.
Tha 9 gnìomhan ann as urrainn dhut taghadh.
Tagh gnìomh, an uair sin criatharaich a rèir cuspair, ìre aoise, raon curraicealaim,
no sgilean is luachan gus do rannsachadh ùrachadh.


Take 5

‘Take 5’ is our series of posts, each highlighting the incredible objects and activities on Museum of the Highlands – a digital learning hub for use in the classroom or at home.

They’ve been put together to help you explore key themes in the classroom.

Whatever you’re teaching, Take 5 will help you discover amazing objects and stories from across the Highlands.

Gheamannan Spòrsail

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