Wax Letter Seal Belonging to Patrick Sellar
Ionad Dualchais Bhùra

This wax seal was used by Patrick Sellar (1780-1851), forever associated with the notorious Sutherland Clearances from 1814. Sellar’s role as factor for the Sutherland Estate was complicated when he became a sheep farmer and personally benefitted from the land he had cleared.   

Sellar was eventually tried in connection with the deaths of two elderly residents who had been cleared from their homes by Sellar under distressing circumstances.   

Sellar was known to be a copious letter writer, expressing his opinions at length and often underlining key points for his readers.   

Fad linntean, bha seulan cèir nan dòigh èifeachdach air conaltradh a sheulachadh agus aig an aon àm a bhith a’ dìon dìomhaireachd susbaint nan litrichean. Aon uair ’s gu bheil iad fosgailte, chan urrainnear litrichean a sheuladh a-rithist gun a bhith a’ dèanamh cron air motif na cèir.  

Gluais thairis air an dealbh gus sùmadh a-steach

Ceann-latha: 1830s
Stuthan: Wax, Paper
Meudachd: 6cm x 9cm

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