Na gnìomhan uile

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Colonachd is Còmhstri

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Saoghal na h-obrach

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Daoine is Àiteachan

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Gàidheal aig Baile

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Coimhearsnachd is Cinneadh

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Ìre Thràth

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A’ chiad Ìre

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An Dàrna Ìre

Treas is ceathramh Ìre

An Ìre as Àirde

Ealain is Sgeulachdan

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Dreuchdan is Gnìomhachas

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Eachdraidh is Daonnachdan

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Foghlam Sòisealta is Sunnd

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Feòrachas is Smaoineachadh Breithneachail

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Coibhneas is Cnuasachadh

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Misneachd is Uallach

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Cruthachalachd is Ùr-ghnàthachadh

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Deagh Eisimpleirean is Coileanaidhean

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