Take 5
Sport and achievement
We couldn’t forget about sport and games. We often take sporting achievements very seriously, so how would it feel to play the games we love without the materials and equipment we take for granted?
1) These objects can all help young people to understand the impact that access to the right equipment can have on performance.
Explore a leather football from Brora Heritage Centre and a Victorian tennis racket from Nairn Museum. There are two great ‘Object in Focus’ activities to accompany these objects too, so your students can explore the objects in more detail and guess what they could be.
Leather Football | Museum of the Highlands
Victorian Tennis Racket | Museum of the Highlands
2) Uncover the quirkier side of sport, with knitted swimming trunks from Brora Heritage Centre.
Knitted Swimming Trunks | Museum of the Highlands
Or discover the unusual material used to make shinty balls in the past, with a strange object from Glencoe Folk Museum.
Hoof Fungus | Museum of the Highlands
3) Discover a story of sporting achievements and disability.
Private James Ingram of the Seaforth Highlanders was blinded by a shell blast on 1st May 1917 in Arras, France, during the First World War. James went on to lead a full and active life, winning the London to Brighton walking competition in 1924, 1925 and 1926 – a huge achievement at a time. His photos are part of the collection at The Highlanders’ Museum in Fort George.
Nowadays we are more used to seeing people with a range of physical impairments taking part in sport but during James’s time, such activity was more unusual and a significant accomplishment.
James Ingram | Museum of the Highlands
4) Adventure into the world of mountaineering.
Explore a story of innovation and ageing with the incredible mountaineering role model Hamish MacKinnes.
Hamish MacKinnes | Museum of the Highlands
Hamish developed a life-saving ice axe, but you can also find a range of objects connected with mountain sports, including the Duff stretcher from West Highland Museum, walking boots from Glencoe Folk Museum and the Slioch outdoor jacked from Gairloch Museum.
Duff Stretcher | Museum of the Highlands
Walking Boots | Museum of the Highlands
Slioch Outdoor Jacket | Museum of the Highlands
5) Finally, we turn to the life of strongman Alexander Cameron. Explore this amazing sportsman’s championship belt and photos at the West Highland Museum.
A A Cameron’s Championship Belt | Museum of the Highlands