Knife from FishertownNairn Museum This Shellbert knife was used for shelling mussels and similar shellfish for bait. The Fishwives of Fishertown, Nairn carried out an extremely important role within the community. In the days, when a great deal of fishing was...
Fisherwoman’s CreelNairn Museum Small woven fish creels, like this one with a plaited rope handle, were used by the fishwives to carry fish for selling either door-to-door or at the market stances. The Nairn Fishwives would often walk for miles to Inverness and...
Clay Spade Glencoe Folk Museum This spade was used for digging clay – possibly to make drainage ditches. Digging the land is hard work, especially when the land is made of compacted, wet clay! The sharp point of the spade would have been useful for piercing into the...
Flaughter Spade Glencoe Folk Museum This flaughter spade was similar to the English breast plough. They were pushed against the belly or thigh to peel back turf from the surface of the land. Turf was useful for making a natural fertiliser – particularly helpful for...
Crios-iarna or Niddy-noddyStrathnaver Museum This object was used for winding wool, ready for knitting. ‘Iarnas’, or hanks of wool, were formed by winding wool as it came off a spinning wheel in a figure of eight pattern around the crosspieces of wood at either...