Bonn Seirbheis Coithceann le claspaichean Palastain agus Malaya
Taigh-tasgaidh nan Gàidheal
This object helps us understand Scotland’s role in the British empire. It is a General Service Medal, awarded to soldiers who fought across the world between 1918 and 1962. The silver bar is called a clasp and commemorates the specific conflict that a soldier fought in.
Tha dà chlaspa aig a’ bhonn seo. Chaidh am fear airson ‘Malaya’, (ris an canar Malaidhsea an-diugh) a thoirt do shaighdearan Breatannach a shabaid ann an Èiginn Malaya. Tha connspaid timcheall air a’ chòmhstri seo a-nis agus fios againn gun deach laghan eadar-nàiseanta a bhriseadh.
The other clasp is for Palestine, where British forces suppressed Palestinian people who opposed the creation of Israel.
Whilst historians are reassessing the history of the British empire, it is interesting to explore what such objects mean to us now. Do we still see it as a symbol of courage, despite its recipient’s role in a complex history?
Gluais thairis air an dealbh gus sùmadh a-steach
Ceann-latha: 1936-1960
Stuthan: Meatailt, Ribean
Meudachd: 12cm x 5cm
Associated Activity