Very Large Cotton Shirt
Taigh-tasgaidh Gheàrrloch

This very large cotton shirt (known as a léine) gives us an insight into Highland life and attitudes.   

It belonged to Murdo Maciver of Achnasheen, known for his very large size – as can be seen from the size of the shirt – but also for his hospitality, humility, and Christian deeds.   

Murdo ran a hotel in Achnasheen and also ran the mail from Achnasheen to Gairloch during the second half of the nineteenth century. When Queen Victoria visited the area in 1877, Murdo refused to deliver state papers and letters to her on the Sabbath. The Queen understood his point of principle and was willing to wait until Monday. 

Gluais thairis air an dealbh gus sùmadh a-steach

Ceann-latha: 1880s
Stuthan: Stuh-aoidaich Innseanach
Meudachd: 100cm x 80cm

Dh’fhaodte gun còrd nas leanas riut:

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