

HandcuffsCromarty Courthouse Museum This pair of Hiatt handcuffs were used for prisoners in Cromarty’s Courthouse and jail during the Victorian period. The design of handcuffs has changed little since this pair first went into production in 1780. The a D-shaped wrist...
Cromarty Artillery Volunteers Challenge Cup

Cromarty Artillery Volunteers Challenge Cup

Cromarty Artillery Volunteers Challenge Cup Cromarty Courthouse Museum This cup gives us a great insight into attitudes in Cromarty during the mid-Victorian era. At the time, many people feared another possible war with France. Parliament developed a series of forts...
Photo of the Fleet in the Cromarty Firth

Photo of the Fleet in the Cromarty Firth

Photo of the Fleet in the Cromarty FirthCromarty Courthouse Museum This black and white photograph from 1911 reminds us that the Cromarty Firth was a major base for the Royal Navy in the first half of the twentieth century. Cromarty became intimately associated with...


Tawse Cromarty Courthouse Museum Content Warning : This page contains reference to violence, death, racism - OK to open? click the tick... The tawse is a leather strip with a split end that was used as a punishment mainly in Scottish Schools. Its proper name of the...
Tress Ring

Tress Ring

Tress RingCromarty Courthouse Museum While they may not look like money to us, ‘tress rings’ like this were actually used as currency by Celtic tribes. We call this ‘proto-currency’. Unlike coins, which have to be kept in purses or pouches, ring money could be worn on...
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