Samplair Bhictòrianach
Taigh-tasgaidh Shrath Nabhair
This lovely embroidered sampler was made by Christina Mackay in 1872 when she was aged just 13. When she was 17, she left her home in Ardniskich, Bettyhill, and emigrated to America. After her marriage, Christina kept the name Mackay.
In their earliest form, samplers were put together as personal reference works for embroiderers: trials of patterns and stitches which had been copied from others, records of particular effects achieved which could be recreated again. These early examples would have been the work, not of children, but of more experienced embroiderers and some, from their quality, of professionals.
Bhathar a’ cleachdadh shamplairean gu h-ionadail anns na sgoiltean gus clann-nighean a theagasg gus fuaigheal agus a bhith a’ cleachdadh nan diofar sheòrsaichean ghreimeannan. Cha bhiodh ach beagan de na boireannach a’ leantainn orra le obair-ghrèis ach bhathar den bheachd gur e 'foghlam math’ a bha anns na bunaitean a bha seo.
An-diugh, tha samplairean uaireannan feumail do luchd-rannsachaidh eachdraidh teaghlaich.