Marble in Codd Bottle

Marble in Codd Bottle

Marble In Codd BottleBrora Heritage Centre This is a bottle manufactured to an 1872 patent of English engineer and inventor, Hiram Codd.  His ingenious design for his carbonated drink bottle did away with the need for a cork. His invention, whilst largely superseded...


Lawnmower Brora Heritage Centre This is a hand-driven, self-propelled lawn mower – no electricity required! In 1830, English engineer Edwin Beard Budding created the world’s first lawn mower. The large wheel of the machine drove the smaller wheel at the front which...
Leather Football

Ball-coise leathair

Leather Football Brora Heritage Centre This is an old-fashioned leather football. It has an inflatable inner and leather outer casing. Inners were traditionally made from pigs’ bladders, before the use of rubber today. We are not sure what type of inner this has....
Floor Tile

Leacag ùrlair

Floor Tile Brora Heritage Centre This red clay tile from a house is a very ordinary-looking object that gives us wonderful clues about the character who lived in it. It was uncovered during an archaeological excavation in 2022 and was probably from the summer...
Stone Age Axe

Tuagh Linn na Cloiche

Stone Age AxeBrora Heritage Centre This is a polished stone axe head was made during the Neolithic period, between 4,400 and 10,000 years ago! It would have been strapped to a wooden shaft, so that it could be wielded like a modern hand axe. Axes were needed by people...
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