The Atom of Delight by Neil Gunn
Taigh-tasgaidh Dualchais Dhùn Bheathadh

Neil Gunn (1891 – 1973) was one of the most important writers of Scottish fiction in the early twentieth century. Starting with his first novel, The Grey Coast published in 1926, Gunn’s works explore Highland life, including the impact of the Highland Clearances on communities.  

Often experimental in style, Gunn became associated with the Scottish Literary Renaissance during the 1920s and 1930s. He penned over twenty novels as well as collections of essays and this late work, loosely labelled his ‘autobiography’ – The Atom of Delight – published in 1956.  

Some of the content is recognisable from Highland River . and the book also explores Gunn’s interest in Zen Buddhism.  

Gluais thairis air an dealbh gus sùmadh a-steach

Ceann-latha: 1956
Stuthan: Pàipear
Meudachd: 25cm

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